Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's Not Our Job

In highlight of today’s tragedy I am going to take this blog a little, well a lot deeper than I normally would... In the words of my high school seminary teacher can we scuba dive for a little bit?

Like many of you tonight I cannot get this tragedy out of my head. It might be the future schoolteacher in me coming out or maybe the older sister, but I’m having a hard time getting over the fact that something like this could happen. I continuously find myself in judging and being angered at the man that did this. A man that I didn’t know, a man who’s name I couldn’t even tell you, and who’s face I couldn’t pick out of a crowd or off the street. I was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that it was in Gods hands, just as I’m sure some of you are as well. I then started asking and thinking to myself is God really going to forgive this man? Will he really let him go to “Heaven”? I know that God is merciful I have felt his merci more than anything else in my life, and have been eternally grateful for the mercy he has shown to me so why is it my place to say that he can’t be merciful to this man? Is that fair of me or of anyone else but God? I believe the answer is no. I want to share something with you that helped me understand this tragedy a little better tonight. Naturally when I start to question God or my religion I turn to one of my heroes and former young women leaders Heather Harris. So I asked her the same questions I asked myself, can a person go to “Hell” or as members of my religion (LDS) call it “Outer Darkness”? Are there guidelines as to how someone could end up there, so as any good leader in the church would do she referred me to the scriptures and told that those were kind of how much do I have to do questions. To which I responded and told her why I was asking. She then responded with her profound words of advice that she always give me when I ask her questions like this, which I’m going to quote a little of it and hope she doesn’t mind, “ I know he will receive what he justly deserves and I know those children will be received by our savior in the kingdom of heaven. Does that help their families and all those mourning? Maybe not, but it brings peace to me… I am certain events like this are so so sad to God, we know how much he values little children, but we also know those children are okay… I also feel like standing in front of our Savior and explaining the things we have done with our lives will be justice in itself. Moroni teaches us that we would be more comfortable in the depths of hell and endless woe that to sand before our Savior with a guilty conscience. Take heart in knowing that its not ours to figure out, only ours to do our best to be true followers of Christ” Can you see why I love her so much!

So with that I will end by saying hug and say I love you to the family you are surrounded with tonight and to those you love who cannot be with you today send them a message or give them a call, say a prayer for those lost and the loved ones they left behind today, and know that “its not our job to figure this out, only ours to do our best to be true followers of Christ”

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Wow I haven’t posted in a long time i'm sorry... Tonight I’m going to take this blog past Ag Ed, past FFA, into somewhere that many of you might feel uncomfortable going. Lately I have noticed a common theme coming up frequently in my everyday life through classes, friends, and even when I look at myself. That theme, topic, question or whatever you want to call it is what defines us as individuals? Do we as humans choose to let words such as, gay, straight, boy, girl, tomboy, feminist, liberal, conservative, or any other word define us? Is it the moments, how we act in those moments, or our decisions in everyday life that defines us? Or is it by the color of our skin or the clothes we choose to wear? Perhaps it’s the religion we associate with, the organization and associations we are a part of, or the kind of career we have? I will be the first one to say that none of these are bad ways to define an individual in fact I use each of these collectively to define myself, but my real question is this; should we be limited to only some of these categories or titles and the stereotypes they bring with them to secure our definition? Most people these day choose to put themselves into the only the categories they think they fit, instead of doing just the opposite and choosing to fit each of the titles into themselves. For instance if I choose to take the fact that I’m a girl and fit the stereotypical norms of being a girl into my life and let that define me as a human what would happen? Would I dress differently? Absolutely! Would I act differently? In some ways yes I would. Would I be scared of the things girls should be scared of? Yeah because remember I’m a girl and have to fit myself into the normal behaviors of a girl. If I just chose to let that simple four letter word and the stereotype of what that words means define me where would I be? No one knows because no one is just a girl. Everyone is more than just the words they use to define themselves just as they should be! No one should have to conform to the stereotypes that society pushes on each and every one of us. It all comes down to what you CHOOSE. So my question to you now is how will you choose what defines you? What does define you? What is YOUR definition?



My definition:

Jayden: (noun) Girl FFA member born on August, 4, 1994; outgoing, funny, courageous (for the most part) serves others, loves other people, wants to make a difference in the world through future students’, loves family and believes in doing the right thing even when it is hard. Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Caucasian, prefers to wear hoodies jeans and boots, loves hard work, wants to be an FFA Advisor, but for now will continue being a student. Thrives to fit in with every crowd but is sometimes shy and doubtful of herself.