Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The sweet smell of the farm...

This is Josh and I!!

You probably read the title and thought dang this kid is weird, some of you though already know i'm really weird. But beyond the simple fact of me being weird, lies a story. Yes, thats my way of being wordy and trying to fool all of you into thinking i'm some sort of dramatic story telling extrodinair (which i'm not by any means). But seriously enough of me rambling... whatever it is that makes your heart beat, whether (haha yes I just typed this as wether and then I realized that is a sheep) it's a sport such as basketball, football, track, or baseball/ softball, or an activity; imagine going two months without being able to be around that activity or thing, hard to imagine right?? Well for my my thing is Agriculture, more specifically animals, and yes for almost three months I have only been able to touch and be around an animal three times. Two of those existed only because I went home for the weekend and had to feed, and man did I enjoy the almost always mundane task that I normally would have complained about. The third however came about because of some begging on my part to Doc. McNeil, pleading for him to let me go to sheep day with them. However neither of those examples are what this post is about, this post is about my Club Calf. His name is Joshua, Josh for short and he also happens to be one of the only three animals I have ever named, and ironically they were all steer calves. For those of you involved in production Agriculture, you understand how the smell of a farm can make an average person scrunch up their nose and possible even start gaging, and you also understand how that one smell of a farm or ranch can instantly hit your nostrils and flood your mind with thousands of memories. Yeah, thats exactly what it did for me. Insantly, I was in a flash back of when I was a little tiny 8 year old leading my thirteen hundred pound steer into the show ring. My white shirt tucked into my black wranglers with that little green and white 4- H patch pinned to the right shoulder of the shirt. Showstick in one hand and the lead rope in the other. A smile stretched across my face hiding the absolute terror going on in the rest of my body. Yes, the smell of a farm will do that to you!!

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